Archive for Navel-Gazing

Yeah, but I already knew that…

I ran across this earlier tonight on another SL blogger’s site and thought I’d give it a go. Apparently I’m some hybrid “uber-cool” form of geek (two states of existence I always believed to be mutually exclusive before now) that specializes in history and literature.

Click the image below to take the test for yourself and find out what kind of nerd/nerdette you are. It’s fun, and, more importantly, funny. says I'm an Uber Cool History / Lit Geek.  What are you?  Click here!

Oh… before I forget, there’s also some other interesting news to announce! Not tonight, though.


Age verification in SL – Or, the end of alt-cam.

“Trust is the foundation of any community. And one cornerstone of trust is identity.” So sayeth Robin Linden. … continue reading this entry.

Where the heck have I been?

Real Life ™ has a nasty habit of jumping up to bite me on the bottom every now and then. The more projects I have on my plate, the larger these bites tend to be. Coincidence or conspiracy? I tend to lean towards the latter, but as I’ve said before, I’m hopelessly paranoid.

I said in my first post that I would make a concerted effort to maintain this blog. I fully intend to keep that promise, though, at times like these, updates may be somewhat sporadic. This will be little more than a quick note to let everyone (and by everyone, I mean the two people who actually read this) know what’s going on around here. I promise that more juicy screenshots and overly long ramblings are in the very near future, but for now I’ll simply resort to a list of things I’ve been working on in SL.

The List (not to be confused with a “to-do list” as I am vehemently opposed to such things):

  • New Melee Combat System – Currently unnamed, and built from scratch. 100% original and all-natural code. This system is vastly different from what I’ve worked on before, and those of you familiar with C:SI will likely find little here that is familiar. This is intended for the RP segment of SL combat, and is an attempt to bring a higher standard of performance to what I perceive as being (with a few exceptions) a vast wasteland of Safezone clones. Of course, in addition to superior scripting, you’ll find all those slick animations you know and love making the transition as well. Expected retail release is next week, so keep your eyes open!
  • New Firearm/Ranged Combat system: See above. The scripting here is just as tasty as the pic in my last post. The important thing to note, here, is that these are designed solely for RP combat systems and include no griefing abilities. If you use them outside of a combat system, you’ll make some noise and irritate people, but that’s about it.
  • New Sim Build – That’s fairly self explanatory, I think. More details on this are planned for future posts. For now, though, I’ll just leave it at that.

So there you have it. That’s what has been taking up all my SL time, and why I’ve been such a hermit. Throw in the odd eight to twelve hour workday in RL and you’ve got a recipe for exhaustion.

Good time for a nap, eh?


Voice communications in SL


Aside from the fact that voice communication has been added to the main viewer (as an optional update), the above is completely false. At least, as far as I know. Which is not far at all.

Thankfully, controls have been added to manage voice capability on a per-parcel/estate basis, thus allowing those areas where voice would be a hindrance to the SL experience to simply disable it. The sky, it would seem, is not actually falling despite what some would have us believe. Or at least, the sky is still somewhat half-heartedly propped up.

The arguments for and against voice communication in SL are far too numerous (and enumerated in many locations already) for me to detail them here. Suffice it to say, you will not be hearing my voice in SL any time soon. This is partly because I’m a hopeless misanthrope, but also because I value the anonymity provided by the interwebs. I am, or rather, prefer to be, just another face in the virtual crowd. I also value the written word as a form of communication, despite the fact that I do my best to offend the gods of literacy with every entry in this blog.

The internet and the virtual world have, in a sense, reduced our ability to communicate to the modern equivalent of guttural intonations commonly associated with less civilized proto-humans (with all apologies to Geico’s cavemen). This of course does not apply to all who communicate via electronic text transmissions, but it certainly is not helped by the proliferation and profusion of this communicative form. That it is so widely available and easily accessible necessarily means that even the least capable among us has the ability to transmit his or her thoughts to a vast audience. This usually comes across as: “u r teh seksy! u want 2 cyber?” In the context of this discussion, it is not so much the content of the message that I find offensive as it is the actual structure of the message itself.

Shorthand is certainly useful for transcribing events, discussions, meetings and so forth in such a manner that the person doing the transcribing can easily and accurately recall the substance and detail of the original event. As a means of communication, however, it falls very short indeed (pun intended). While I don’t believe that those who attempt to communicate via this virtual-world shorthand actually speak the same way, I am led to believe that there are very few of them who have anything worth hearing to say. Thus I take the absolutist approach of choosing to ignore all voice communications in SL based on the assumption that most voice communications will be callow at best. You are free to disagree with this approach, as some undoubtedly will.

The bottom line is simply this: If you want to chat with me, take the time to learn the QWERTY keyboard layout (exceptions made, of course, for non-english speaking residents) and expect a rather terse and dis-interested reply to any sentence containing the letter “u” in place of the only slightly longer “you.”

O RLY?!?


Post, the First.

So, here I am… finally getting “with it” and joining the unwashed blogging masses. This is by no means my first attempt to start a blog, and while I’ve never been one to keep a diary or even a to-do list as the case may be, I’m going to make a concerted effort this time. This time.

I suppose the question must be asked, given the proliferation of the “blog” and associated “blogging” activities: What can I possibly bring to the “blog-sphere” (or perhaps, “blog-o-verse?”) that so many virus infected MySpace pages utterly fail to provide? I would love to answer that question… I really would. To be honest, I don’t know if I can, though. The way I see things – and trust me here, you really want to avoid seeing things my way if you know what’s good for you – blogs have become even more of a niche market enterprise than magazines. Sure, I can go to the bookstore and pick up the latest copy of “Purple Monkey Dishwasher Monthly,” but on the internet… well now, based on the approximately zero minutes of research I’ve put into it, I’m quite sure I could find at least a dozen blogs discussing the nuances of pygmy marmosets versus chimpanzees in their respective dish-washing capabilities.

Aside from semi-simian-centric discussions, I hope to provide a bit of insight into the goings on of my so-called Second Life. This will naturally involve a bit of advertising, though I do not wish this to become overly-commercial in nature. I’ll probably spend an inordinate amount of time explaining, in excessively obtuse prose (likely plagued with parenthetical comments such as this), just what it is I think about a bunch of random nonsense. It may be topical, and it is just as likely not to be. I’ll attempt to refrain from commenting on Linden Labs and the Second Life software itself. Instead, I hope to focus on the “experience” of it all, that elusive and intangible element of virtual world interactions that seems to have so many people addicted and proclaiming that anyone who isn’t “just doesn’t get it.”

Thus begins what I shall hear after refer to as “the great blog mistake.” Well, I probably won’t refer to it that way. I’ll likely forget that I even wrote that in about ten minutes or so.

Thanks for reading this far. I hope you haven’t punched your monitor yet.
